Thông tin tài liệu

Thông tin siêu dữ liệu biểu ghi
Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
dc.contributor.advisorTrịnh, Thị Hằng-
dc.contributor.authorHoàng, Diệu Ly-
dc.description.abstractThis study explores the potential of online games as a vocabulary-learning tool for first-year English majors at Phenikaa University. It examines both students' perceived benefits and drawbacks to learning vocabulary through online games. Online games develop a deep and expansive vocabulary, exposing learners to a wide variety of words. The interface is visually appealing, enhancing the experience, and promoting a positive connection to the learning process. They are suitable for a wide range of learners, cater to different learning styles, and are accessible to learners of all ages. However, they may have limited vocabulary and interactions. Online games can be time-consuming and detrimental to concentration if not used appropriately. Learners can easily waste time if they do not achieve the clear goal of learning vocabulary. To maximize the benefits and avoid getting lost in the game, learners should use online games appropriately and strategically to ensure vocabulary acquisition remains a top priority and avoid wasting
dc.publisherPhenikaa Universityvi
dc.subjectCải thiệnvi
dc.subjectNgôn ngữ Anhvi
dc.subjectTừ vựngvi
dc.titleAn Investigation into the First-year English Majors’ Perceptions of Online Games in Vocabulary Enrichment at Phenikaa Universityvi
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