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  • Tác giả : Nguyen K. Ngan; Anh D. Phan; Alessio Zaccone;  Người hướng dẫn: -;  Đồng tác giả: - (2021)

    The temperature dependence of the reversible structural relaxation time and diffusion constant of metallic glasses under pressure is theoretically investigated. The compression not only changes the glassy dynamics, but also generates a metastable state along with a higher-energy state where the system can rejuvenate. The relaxation times for forward and backward transitions in this two-state system are nearly identical and much faster than the relaxation time without accounting for barrier recrossing. At ambient pressure, the expected irreversible relaxation process is recovered, and the numerical results agree well with prior experimental results. An increase in pressure has a minor effect on the relaxation time and diffusion constant that one computes without considering the influ...