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Trường DC Giá trịNgôn ngữ
dc.contributor.authorVu, Dinh Quang-
dc.contributor.authorTran, Quoc Quan-
dc.description.abstractThe nonlinear static buckling analysis of magneto-electro-elastic sandwich plate on Pasternak-type elastic foundations subjected to the mechanical, thermal, electric and magnetic loadings is presented in this paper. The sandwich plate is composed of an auxetic honeycomb core with negative Poisson’s ratio and two face sheets made of magneto-electro-elastic​ material. The system basic equations are derived based on the Reddy’s higher order shear deformation plate theory taking into account the effect of von Kármán the kinematic nonlinearity and initial imperfection. The form of possible solutions and electric, magnetic potentials are chosen as trigonometric functions based on two cases of boundary conditions. The relationship between axial compressive loading and dimensionless deflection amplitude is determined by using the Galerkin method. For optimization problem, the Bees algorithm is applied to obtain the maximum value of critical buckling load of the sandwich plate which depends on five geometrical and material parameters. The effects of elastic foundations, temperature increment, geometrical parameters and electric and magnetic potentials on the stability characteristics are investigated in numerical results. The accuracy and reliability of present approach is confirmed by comparisons with the existing results in the
dc.subjectNonlinear static buckling-
dc.subjectGeometrical optimization
dc.titleStatic buckling analysis and geometrical optimization of magneto-electro-elastic sandwich plate with auxetic honeycomb corevi
dc.typeBài tríchvi
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