Tìm kiếm

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Kết quả tìm kiếm

Hiện thị kết quả từ 371 đến 373 của 373
  • Tác giả : Miles, Rosalin; Huguenin, Mitchell;  Người hướng dẫn: -;  Đồng tác giả: - (2023)

    Physical activity and exercise are integral parts of Indigenous identity, woven into cultural tradition throughout history. This resource aims to tell the story of physical activity, exercise, and health in Indigenous communities. Divided into four main sections, learners will begin their journey by uncovering some of the history of physical activity in Indigenous health. The learner will then explore and appreciate physical activity and health in Indigenous communities at the present time. Finally, learners will be guided towards moving forward in physical activity and health together. This resource may be used as a stand-alone online learning experience and/or for an academic course. Features include: wholistic learning objectives, informational text, suggested readings and ...