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  • Authors: Markus, Riegler;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Sustainable development efforts, initiated by the SDGs and the Paris Agreement on climate change, are bringing banking to the center of the debate, which calls for, among other things, sustainable banking. In the current academic discussion, sustainable banking is described as a terminological jungle that is subject to change over time. Using Webster and Watson’s conceptual model, this review analyzes the definitions and conceptual descriptions used in academia to present a consolidated result. The definition analysis conducted in this paper shows that definitions used mostly refer to the implementation of social, environmental aspects in the respective business strategies and / or to the offering of sustainably labeled products. This paper also shows that the various forms of the d...

  • Authors: Answin, Vilmar;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Despite numerous campaigns, the efforts made not only to inform people of the Strategic Development Goals (SDGs) but also to persuade them to contribute individually to the task of achieving these goals have not yet been sufficient. Namely, awareness of the SDGs remains very low among broad sections of the population. In addition, the statements of these goals are not understood in many cases (World Economic Forum 2020). Finally, behavioural changes based on relevant insights have hitherto been insufficient. This situation is also reflected in the UN report, which attests to the insufficient progress made with regard to achieving the SDGs in most countries and notes that in 2020 and 2021, the SDG Index Score even stagnated (Sachs et al., 2022).

  • Authors: Luis Filipe, Lages; Nuno, Catarino; Emanuel, Gomes;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    European Community (EC) Horizon-funded projects and Earth Observation-based Consortia aim to create sustainable value for Space, Land, and Oceans. They typically focus on addressing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Many of these projects (e.g. Commercialization and Innovation Actions) have an ambitious challenge to ensure that partners share core competencies to simultaneously achieve technological and commercial success and sustainability after the end of the EC funds. To achieve this ambitious challenge, Horizon projects must have a proper governance model and a systematized process that can manage the existing paradoxical tensions involving numerous European partners and their respective agendas and stakeholders.

  • Authors: Ambra, Galeazzo; Toloue, Miandar; Michela, Carraro;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Companies play a central role in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); as such, they face institutional pressures to increase their engagement with SDGs. However, given the complexity of SDGs, it is unclear whether these pressures lead firms to adopt engagement approaches that address a few goals or the whole set of 17, and if that choice has any subsequent effect on financial performance. To shed light on these issues, this research draws on the neo-institutional theory to investigate whether two institutional determinants—industry type and country of origin—affect SDG engagement and whether such engagement improves financial performance. Based on a content analysis and a regression analysis on high-reputation companies (the 100 most sustainable firms in the worl...