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  • Authors: Markus, Riegler;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Sustainable development efforts, initiated by the SDGs and the Paris Agreement on climate change, are bringing banking to the center of the debate, which calls for, among other things, sustainable banking. In the current academic discussion, sustainable banking is described as a terminological jungle that is subject to change over time. Using Webster and Watson’s conceptual model, this review analyzes the definitions and conceptual descriptions used in academia to present a consolidated result. The definition analysis conducted in this paper shows that definitions used mostly refer to the implementation of social, environmental aspects in the respective business strategies and / or to the offering of sustainably labeled products. This paper also shows that the various forms of the d...

  • Authors: Paolo, Roffia; Marina, Dabić;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    This paper investigates the resilience of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly the influence exerted by certain factors related to management control, integrated information systems (enterprise resource planning [ERP]), information and communication technology (ICT) systems, and financial resources. For this purpose, leveraging from the dynamic capability theory, in late spring 2020, a questionnaire was sent to limited-liability SMEs in Verona and Vicenza provinces in Italy operating in the manufacturing, construction, and distribution sectors. Respondents were asked to answer a set of questions and to evaluate the resilience of their firms as of January 1, 2020; May 1, 2020; and one year later, as of July 2021.

  • Authors: Chao, Yang; Wee-Yeap, Lau;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Changes in the RMB exchange rate (ExRate) impact major strategic directions, such as China’s rise, the “Belt and Road” initiative, and RMB internationalization. Studying the impact of the trade war between China and America on the RMB ExRate is significant. This paper constructs an R-vine copula model and studies the influencing factors of the ExRate and the mechanism of the trade war between China and America on the RMB ExRate. The impact of the Trade war between China and America on the RMB ExRate is analyzed in detail. Besides, the R-vine copula model is used to analyze the fluctuations of the ExRate returns of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The R-vine copula model is employed to study the volatility of the ExRate return series of ASEAN countries, and the mea...

  • Authors: Nicola, Rennie; Catherine, Cleophas; Adam M., Sykulski;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    This paper presents an automated approach for providing ranked lists of outliers in observed demand to support analysts in network revenue management. Such network revenue management, e.g. for railway itineraries, needs accurate demand forecasts. However, demand outliers across or in parts of a network complicate accurate demand forecasting, and the network structure makes such demand outliers hard to detect. We propose a two-step approach combining clustering with functional outlier detection to identify outlying demand from network bookings observed on the leg level. The first step clusters legs to appropriately partition and pools booking patterns. The second step identifies outliers within each cluster and uses a novel aggregation method across legs to create a ranked alert list...

  • Authors: Theo Émile, Ravet-Brown; Marco, Furtner; Andreas, Kallmuenzer;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Entrepreneurship represents a key motor of economic growth, and entrepreneurial leadership (EL) represents a vital constituent thereof. However, its examination remains factious, and integration with the wider leadership literature is fragmentary. EL is claimed by some as representing a construct distinct from extant leadership styles, even though the major contribution made by transformational leadership (TL) theory remains under-researched and under-reported. Furthermore, TL is often used to measure leaders in entrepreneurship, resulting in a lack of clarity regarding the relationship between TL and EL. Our study seeks to contribute to the literature by elucidating the distinction and overlap between the two leadership constructs, as currently defined by available questionnaires. ...

  • Authors: Tin, Horvatinovic; Mihaela, Mikic; Marina, Dabić;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Despite the massive volume of published articles, the pool of knowledge on entrepreneurial teams needs to be algorithmically classified and meticulously scrutinised. It is crucial for the field to be historically positioned under relevant themes, internally connected in terms of conceptual foundations, and systematically categorised in consonance with previously utilised frameworks of analysis. These concerns are resolved in this study by conducting a bibliometric analysis of 672 relevant articles. This form of analysis has not been previously employed on the topic of entrepreneurial teams. First, this study identifies eight main thematic clusters in the entrepreneurial teams field and their sub-themes. The eight main thematic clusters are: (i) Intellectual Capital, (ii) Cognition a...

  • Authors: Muhammad, Anwar; Thomas, Clauss; Natanya, Meyer;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Research on entrepreneurship in family firms has grown exponentially over the past two decades. Due to the various theoretical perspectives and contexts found here however, this body of research remains fragmented, with a unified understanding of the current state of knowledge and the opportunities for future research in the field continuing to lack. In this study, we address this gap by conducting an updated bibliometric analysis of the research on entrepreneurship in family firms. Here we integrate two different bibliometric methods to provide a more comprehensive picture of the field, unveiling its intellectual foundations and current research discourses and how these two are related. To do this, we first conduct a co-citation analysis clustering the intellectual foundations of t...

  • Authors: Jacopo, Ballerini; Dorra, Yahiaoui; Guido, Giovando;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Since the beginning of the 2000s, online commerce has been gradually taking over and shaping the global marketplace. This has led several scholars to study the phenomenon from different angles, from consumer habits to privacy risks to related technological innovations. However, only recently has a branch of literature addressing the online channel management phenomenon from the manufacturers’ perspective emerged. This rapidly expanding literature strand remains rather fragmented, raising the need for a systematic literature review to comprehensively structure and discuss it. This study, accordingly, proposes a systematic literature review on online channel management from the manufacturers’ perspective.

  • Authors: Gabriele, Angori; Chiara, Marzocchi; Laura, Ramaciotti;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The dynamics of basic and applied research at university and industry have steadily changed since the Eighties, with the private sector reducing its investments in science and universities experiencing significant remodelling in the governance of their funding. While studies have focussed on documenting these changes in industry, less attention has been paid to observe the trajectories of basic and applied research in universities. This work contributes to fill this gap by looking at the evolution of publicly funded research that has been patented by universities between 1978 and 2015. First, we adopt a critical perspective of the basic versus applied dichotomy and identify patents according to three typologies of research: basic, mission-oriented, and applied research.

  • Authors: Shahbaz, Khan; Abid, Haleem; Zafar, Husain;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    In the era of digitalization, Blockchain is an evolving technology that has the potential to change the shape of numerous industries. Blockchain is considered the transforming technology that has the ability to change the conventional supply chain network by providing additional transparency of transactions in terms of information and physical goods. Additionally, the implementation of blockchain technology in the supply chain is required to accomplish the objectives of industry 4.0. However, there has to date been a scarcity of blockchain implementations due to the numerous barriers associated with it. Therefore, the primary aim of this research is to identify and investigate the major barriers to implementing blockchain technology in supply chains. We identified ten significant ba...