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Results 211-220 of 249 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).
  • Authors: Varsha Kiran, Patil; Vijaya R., Pawar; Shreiya, Randive;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The facial and physiological sensor-based emotion recognition methods are two popular methods of emotion recognition. The proposed research is the first of its kind in real-time emotion recognition that combines skin conductance signals with the visual-based facial emotion recognition (FER) method on a Raspberry Pi. This research includes stepwise documentation of method for automatic real-time face detection and FER on portable hardware. Further, the proposed work comprises experimentation related to video induction and habituation methods with FER and the galvanic skin response (GSR) method.

  • Authors: Micah, Kranz; Julian Kajo, Lüdeker; Benedikt, Kriegesmann;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The paper presents a rigorous formulation of adjoint systems to be solved for a robust design optimization using the first-order second-moment method. This formulation allows to apply the method for any objective function, which is demonstrated by considering deformation at certain point and maximum stress as objectives subjected to random material stiffness and geometry, respectively. The presented approach requires the solution of at most three additional adjoint systems per uncertain system response, when compared to the deterministic case. Hence, the number of adjoint systems to be solved is independent of the number of random variables.

  • Authors: Reza, Gheisari; Mariela, Vazquez; Vasilis, Tsigkis;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Numerous tribological applications, wherein the use of liquid lubricants is infeasible, require adequate dry lubrication. Despite the use of polymers as an effective solution for dry sliding tribological applications, their poor wear resistance prevents the utilization in harsh industrial environment. Different methods are typically implemented to tackle the poor wear performance of polymers, however sacrificing some of their mechanical/ tribological properties. Herein, we discussed the introduction of a novel additive, namely microencapsulated phase change material (MPCM) into an advanced polymeric coating. Specifically, paraffin was encapsulated into melamine-based resin, and the capsules were dispersed in an aromatic thermosetting co-polyester (ATSP) coating. We found that the MP...

  • Authors: Hanqing, Liu; Xiaohong, Shao; Kai, Tan;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Coupling effects of fretting wear and cyclic stress could result in significant fatigue strength degradation, thus potentially causing unanticipated catastrophic fractures. The underlying mechanism of microstructural evolutions caused by fretting wear is ambiguous, which obstructs the understanding of fretting fatigue issues, and is unable to guarantee the reliability of structures for long-term operation. Here, fretting wear studies were performed to understand the microstructural evolution and oxidation behavior of an α/β titanium alloy up to 108 cycles. Contact surface degradation is mainly caused by surface oxidation and the generation of wear debris during fretting wear within the slip zone.

  • Authors: Sheng, Dong; Tie, Wu; Yi-Feng, Wu;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Due to the lifestyle and activity of the aging population, it is expected that geriatric trauma will increase and become one of the major challenges in health care. The objective of this study was to determine epidemiological differences between geriatric trauma patients and their younger counterparts, and to find the implications for localized Trauma-Specific Frailty Index (TSFI) system design. This study was a retrospective analysis of adult patients registered in the Trauma Registry, comparisons were made between the geriatric patients, aged over 65 years old, and the younger patients, aged 18–64 years old. Variables were collected include demography, injury mechanism, type, severity of injuries sustained, and outcomes.

  • Authors: Ali, Talebi-Anara; Tomoyoshi, Maeno; Yuta, Matsubara;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    A hot stamping process of quenchable steel tubes using a mandrel reinforced with eco-friendly fibers was developed to produce ultra-high strength steel hollow parts having enhanced lightweighting and crashworthiness. High internal pressure was generated to improve the die quenchability and shape accuracy of the formed parts by the fiber reinforcement. Wood sawdust, shredded copy paper, and plant fiber made of recycled toilet paper were chosen as the fibers, and not only the strength was evaluated from a uniaxial compression test but also the melting behavior of the mandrel was examined. The influence of the fiber reinforcement on the shape accuracy and die quenchability of hot-stamped parts was investigated.

  • Authors: Bhabesh, Deka; Dipen, Deka;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    In recent times, an upsurge in the investigation related to the effects of meditation in reconditioning various cardiovascular and psychological disorders is seen. In majority of these studies, heart rate variability (HRV) signal is used, probably for its ease of acquisition and low cost. Although understanding the dynamical complexity of HRV is not an easy task, the advances in nonlinear analysis has significantly helped in analyzing the impact of meditation of heart regulations. In this review, we intend to present the various nonlinear approaches, scientific findings and their limitations to develop deeper insights to carry out further research on this topic.

  • Authors: Laura, Botero-Bolívar; Fernanda L. dos, Santos; Cornelis H., Venner;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The experimental identification of the transition region and the different flow structures inside the boundary layer is still a challenge. For the first time, this research uses the remote microphone probe technique to experimentally evaluate the boundary layer development, the transition process, and the type of flow structures. The remote microphone probe technique is an effective and accurate experimental method to measure wall-pressure fluctuations. The development of the boundary layer was evaluated under natural and forced transition for different inflow velocities and angles of attack. Results of the wall-pressure spectrum, spanwise coherence at different chord positions, and the spanwise correlation length close to the trailing edge are presented.

  • Authors: Xiaofeng, Li; Xiaoying, Zheng; Tao, Zhang;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Reliable mechanical fault diagnosis of high-voltage circuit breakers is important to ensure the safety of electric power systems. Recent fault diagnosis approaches are mostly based on a single classifier whose performance relies heavily on expert prior knowledge. In this study, we propose an improved Dempster–Shafer evidence theory fused echo state neural network, an ensemble classifier for fault diagnosis. Evidence credibility is calculated through the evidence deviation matrix and the segmented circle function and employed as credibility weights to rectify the raw evidence. Then, an improved Dempster–Shafer evidence fusion algorithm is proposed to fuse evidence from different echo state network modules and sensors. Unlike conventional classifiers, the proposed methodology consists...

  • Authors: Angkana, Rüland; Theresa M., Simon;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    We classify all exactly stress-free solutions to the cubic-to-trigonal phase transformation within the geometrically linearized theory of elasticity, showing that only simple laminates and crossing-twin structures can occur. In particular, we prove that although this transformation is closely related to the cubic-to-orthorhombic phase transformation, all its solutions are rigid. The argument relies on a combination of the Saint-Venant compatibility conditions together with the underlying nonlinear relations and non-convexity conditions satisfied by the strain components.