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  • Authors: Koichi, Hashiguchi; Masami, Ueno;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    The incorporation of the saturation of the tangential contact stress with the increase of the normal contact stress is required for the analysis of the friction phenomenon of solids and structures subjected to a high normal contact stress, which cannot be described by the Coulomb friction condition, in which the tangential contact stress increases linearly with the increase of the normal contact stress. In this article, the subloading-friction model, which is capable of describing the smooth elastic—plastic transition, the static—kinetic transition, and the recovery of the static friction during the cease of sliding, is extended to describe this property. Further, some numerical examples are shown, and the validity of the present model will be verified by the simulation of the test ...

  • Authors: Koichi, Hashiguchi; Masami, Ueno; Takuya, Anjiki;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Various elasto-plastic models for the rate-independent deformation, various elasto-viscoplastic models for the rate-dependent deformation and their combinations have been proposed during a long time more than one or more centuries. Firstly, the history of the development of the elastoplasticiy and the elasto-viscoplasticity is reviewed comprehensively. Unfortunately, each of these models possesses their own drawbacks and limitations. The unified constitutive equation of the elasto-plastic and the elasto-viscoplastic deformations is provided by incorporating the subloading surface model into the overstress model in this article, which is capable of describing the monotonic and the cyclic loadings at the general rate ranging from the quasi-static to the impact loading.