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Results 201-210 of 249 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).
  • Authors: Lorenz, Engelking; Antonia, Eissel; Dirk, Schroepfer;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Nickel alloys are cost intensive materials and generally classified as difficult-to-cut material. However, machining of these materials is needed especially in case of alloy 36 (1.3912), which is commonly used in mould construction for the production of fibre-reinforced composites. With regard to repair, modification and manufacturing of such components, additive manufacturing offers significant economic advantages. Nevertheless, subsequent machining steps are needed to achieve the final component contour and defined surface conditions. Dependent on the material and machining process conditions, detrimental tensile residual stresses may be the result on the machined surface, having negative impact on the component performance and safety.

  • Authors: Atefeh, Zarepour; Sepideh, Ahmadi; Navid, Rabiee;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Today, self-healing graphene- and MXene-based composites have attracted researchers due to the increase in durability as well as the cost reduction in long-time applications. Different studies have focused on designing novel self-healing graphene- and MXene-based composites with enhanced sensitivity, stretchability, and flexibility as well as improved electrical conductivity, healing efficacy, mechanical properties, and energy conversion efficacy. These composites with self-healing properties can be employed in the field of wearable sensors, supercapacitors, anticorrosive coatings, electromagnetic interference shielding, electronic-skin, soft robotics, etc. However, it appears that more explorations are still needed to achieve composites with excellent arbitrary shape adaptability, ...

  • Authors: Steve, Göring; Rakesh Rao Ramachandra, Rao; Alexander, Raake;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    In many research fields, human-annotated data plays an important role as it is used to accomplish a multitude of tasks. One such example is in the field of multimedia quality assessment where subjective annotations can be used to train or evaluate quality prediction models. Lab-based tests could be one approach to get such quality annotations. They are usually performed in well-defined and controlled environments to ensure high reliability. However, this high reliability comes at a cost of higher time consumption and costs incurred. To mitigate this, crowd or online tests could be used. Usually, online tests cover a wider range of end devices, environmental conditions, or participants, which may have an impact on the ratings. To verify whether such online tests can be used for visua...

  • Authors: Nicoline Kibong, Fontem; Cheo Emmanuel, Suh; Ralain Bryan, Ngatcha;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Gold mineralization of the Upper Lom Basin in the eastern Cameroon goldfield is spatially associated with tourmaline. The goldfield belongs to the Adamawa-Yadé Domain of the Central African Fold Belt and is characterized by eluvial, alluvial and lode gold deposits of Pan-African age. This paper examines the chemistry and morphology of saprock gold and its link with tourmaline in the host rock. Tourmaline chemistry was obtained using the electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) technique while gold grains were examined for morphology and microchemistry using the EMPA equipped with scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectrum instruments.

  • Authors: Jing, Liang; Zhaolin, Chen; Yaonan, Wang;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Constrained multi-objective optimization problems (CMOPs) exist widely in the real world, which simultaneously contain multiple constraints to be satisfied and multiple conflicting objectives to be optimized. Therefore, the challage in addressing CMOPs is how to better balance constraints and objectives. To remedy this issue, this paper proposes a novel dual-population based constrained multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to solve CMOPs, in which two populations with different functions are employed. Specifically, the main population considers both objectives and constraints for solving the original CMOPs, while the auxiliary population is used only for optimization of objectives without considering constraints.

  • Authors: Janitha, Migunthanna; Pathmanathan, Rajeev; Jay, Sanjayan;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Geopolymer concrete (GPC) was developed using one-part binders made from a mixture of waste clay brick (WCB) powder, fly ash, and slag in the precursor. Its suitability for use in rigid pavement construction was evaluated based on fresh properties, hardened properties, and durability characteristics. The effects of sealed and unsealed ambient curing and the size of the WCB particles on the strength of the GPC were also examined. Sealed ambient curing significantly increased the strength of the GPC, with longer sealing periods resulting in even stronger concrete. Sealing prevented water loss from the samples and reduced carbonation, protecting the concrete from microcracks caused by dehydration. The GPC created in this study met the basic strength requirements for use in rigid paveme...

  • Authors: Li, Zhou; Xiao-Jing, Ma; Dong-Hui, Pan;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    User alignment across online social network platforms (OSNPs) is a growing concern with the rapid development of internet technology. In reality, users tend to register different accounts on multiple OSNPs, and the network platforms are reluctant to share network structure and user’s information due to business interest and privacy protection, which brings great obstacles to cross-platform user alignment. In view of this, we propose a homomorphic encryption-based social network alignment (HE-SNA) algorithm from the perspective of privacy leakage. Specifically, we first consider the OSNPs as a system containing multiple social networks, that each participant of OSNPs owns part of the network, i.e., a separate private sub-network.

  • Authors: Clemens, Jonscher; Leon, Liesecke; Nikolai, Penner;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Concrete steel towers are increasingly being used for onshore wind turbines. The lower part consists of separated segmented concrete rings connected with dry joints. Due to slight deviations from the axisymmetric cross-section, closely spaced modes occur. Therefore, the influences of small system changes on closely spaced modes, particularly the mode shapes, should be investigated to enable reliable vibration-based monitoring. In this context, the influence of imperfections due to the waviness of the dry joints requires attention. As no acceleration measurements on concrete towers considering small system changes have been performed so far, this has not yet been investigated.

  • Authors: Seidu Agbor Abdul, Rauf; Adebayo F., Adekoya;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The demand for electricity at home has increased in recent times globally, this high demand for continuous, stable and affordable power can be attributed to the demand for comfortable lifestyle of consumers but the quality and efficiency of the appliances being used remain questionable. Malfunctioning appliances usually show a power signature statistically different from their normal behavior, which can lead to higher energy consumption or more serious damages. As a result, numerous studies in recent times have been conducted on the household electrical appliance anomaly behaviors to find the root-cause of these anomalies using machine learning techniques and algorithms.

  • Authors: Hafssa, Tounsi; Jonny, Rutqvist; Mengsu, Hu;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Rock salt has a self-sealing capacity, low permeability, and high thermal conductivity, making it a potential host for heat-generating nuclear waste. The feasibility of nuclear waste disposal within salt formations has been investigated mostly for small-sized canisters. Geologic disposal of larger-sized canisters originally designed for spent fuel storage and transportation has lately been examined as a cost-effective alternative. This raises questions about their long-term vertical movement due to their weight and high decay heat. Low-stress creep governs this movement; however, most salt constitutive models do not incorporate it. In this paper, the Norton and the WIPP creep models are compared with the Lux/Wolters/Lerche (LWL) model and a simpler model that combines linear and Nor...