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This open access book presents outstanding doctoral dissertations in Information Technology from the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy. Information Technology has always been highly interdisciplinary, as many aspects have to be considered in IT systems. The doctoral studies program in IT at Politecnico di Milano emphasizes this interdisciplinary nature, which is becoming more and more important in recent technological advances, in collaborative projects, and in the education of young researchers. Accordingly, the focus of advanced research is on pursuing a rigorous approach to specific research topics starting from a broad background in various areas of Information Technology, especially Computer Science and Engineering, Electron... |
A collection of readings and exercises aligned with the course, ME 270, Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design, at Iowa State University. This course provides an overview of mechanical engineering design with applications to thermal and mechanical systems, and an introduction to current design practices used in industry. |
Adhesion between an elastic body and a smooth, rigid substrate can lead to large tensile stresses between them. However, most macroscopic objects are microscopically rough, which strongly suppresses adhesion. A fierce debate has unfolded recently as to whether local or global parameters determine the crossover between small and large adhesion. Here, we report simulations revealing that the dependence of the pull-off force Fn on the surface energy γ does not only have two regimes of high and low adhesion but up to four regimes. They are related to contacts, which at the moment of rupture consist of (i) the last individual Hertzian-shaped contact, in which is linear in γ, (ii) a last meso-scale, individual patches with super-linear scaling, (iii) many isolated contact patches with ext... |
Introduction to engineering mechanics: statics, for those who love to learn. Concepts include: particles and rigid body equilibrium equations, distributed loads, shear and moment diagrams, trusses, method of joints and sections, & inertia. |
Synovial fluid is made up of various biomacromolecules, including hyaluronic acid, aggrecans, lubricins, and phosphatidylcholine lipid, which are assembled onto the surface of articular cartilage in a gel state. Among them, brush-like biomacromolecules or assemblies have a vital effect on human joint lubrication. Inspired by this, the combination of brush-like molecular structures and gel-like assembly may be an efficient approach for the synthesis of biomimetic lubricating matters. Learning from the lubrication system of human joints, poly(2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine) (PMPC) brushes grafted poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (poly(NIPAAm-co-AA)) microgels, abbreviated as MBs-g-MGs, were synthesized as one kind of biomimetic lubricating additives. |
This book is an introduction to the language of systems biology, which is spoken among many disciplines, from biology to engineering. Authors Thomas Sauter and Marco Albrecht draw on a multidisciplinary background and evidence-based learning to facilitate the understanding of biochemical networks, metabolic modeling and system dynamics |
In the industry field, the increasingly stringent requirements of lightweight structures are exposing the ultimately nonlinear nature of mechanical systems. This is extremely true for systems with moving parts and loose fixtures which show piecewise stiffness behaviours. Nevertheless, the numerical solution of systems with ideal piecewise mathematical characteristics is associated with time-consuming procedures and a high computational burden. Smoothing functions can conveniently simplify the mathematical form of such systems, but little research has been carried out to evaluate their effect on the mechanical response of multi-degree-of-freedom systems. |
Large-scale industrial application of additively manufactured (AM) components in general, and specifically cold sprayed additive manufactured (CSAM), is limited due to the nature of this technology and the resulting product’s porosity and embrittlement. To improve the final properties of additively manufactured material, many lengthy, complex, or expensive post-treatments have been proposed. Reducing the environmental impact, cost, and time required for additive manufacturing will allow for greater use in industrial applications. A novel thermomechanical treatment known as in situ electro-plastic treatment (ISEPT) is used in this study to treat CSAM Ti-6Al-4 V alloy known as grade 5 titanium. |
This work presents the evaluation of the interlayer temperature (IT) with travel speed (TS) combined effect for a given wire feed speed (WFS) on operational, geometrical, and metallurgical features of thin walls with the same width deposited by wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) with a low alloy steel, using or not active cooling. A preliminary experimental design was carried out to define a range of IT that could prevent the molten pool from running down and, then, be used in the main experimental design. The main tests were planned and performed to find different IT and TS combinations for a given WFS capable of depositing walls with the same target effective wall width. After selecting the parameters, six walls were deposited, three under natural cooling (NC) and three under ... |
Thanks to their outstanding mechanical properties, Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMGs) are new alternatives to traditional crystalline metals for mechanical and micromechanical applications including power transmission. However, the tribological properties of BMGs are still poorly understood, mostly because their amorphous nature induces counter intuitive responses to friction and wear. In the present study, four different BMGs (Cu47Zr46Al7, Zr46Cu45Al7Nb2, Zr60Cu28Al12, and Zr61Cu25Al12Ti2) underwent ball-on-disc friction tests against 100Cr6 steel balls (American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) 52100) at different relative humidities (RHs) ranging from 20% to 80%. |