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  • Authors: Masashi, Arita; Norihito, Sakaguchi;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2019)

    TEM and SEM have contributed greatly to the progress of various research fields, which has been accelerated in the last few decades by highly functional electron microscopes and microscopy. In this tide of microscopy, various microscopic methods have been developed to make clear many unsolved problems, e.g. pulse beam TEM, environmental microscopy, correlative microscopy, etc. In this book, a number of reviews have been collected concerning these subjects. We think that the content in each chapter is impressive, and we hope this book will contribute to future advances in electron microscopy, materials science, and biomedicine.

  • Authors: Faustino, Wahaia;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2019)

    This Edited Volume is a collection of reviewed and relevant research chapters, offering a comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field of Quantum Electronics. The book comprises single chapters authored by various researchers and edited by an expert active in the field. All chapters are complete in itself but united under a common research study topic. This publication aims at providing a thorough overview of the latest research efforts by international authors on Quantum Electronics, and open new possible research paths for further novel developments.

  • Authors: Steven H., Voldman;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2019)

    The book Electrostatic Discharge: From Electrical Breakdown in Micro-gaps to Nanogenerators opens with an introductory chapter. The first section of this book discusses the issue of ESD in advanced technologies. The second section follows with a chapter on electrical breakdown in micro-gaps. The third section contains a chapter on nanogenerators from ESD and a chapter on theoretical prediction and optimization of triboelectric nanogenerators.

  • Authors: Taha, Selim Ustun;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2019)

    Proliferation of distributed generation and the increased ability to monitor different parts of the electrical grid offer unprecedented opportunities for consumers and grid operators. Energy can be generated near the consumption points, which decreases transmission burdens and novel control schemes can be utilized to operate the grid closer to its limits. In other words, the same infrastructure can be used at higher capacities thanks to increased efficiency. Also, new players are integrated into this grid such as smart meters with local control capabilities, electric vehicles that can act as mobile storage devices, and smart inverters that can provide auxiliary support. To achieve stable and safe operation, it is necessary to observe and coordinate all of these components in the sma...

  • Authors: Grebner, Tim;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2019)

    Overview: The advent of electronics has had a profound impact on our lives and impacted nearly every product that we use either directly or indirectly. Without electronics, present day computers, cell phones, stereos, televisions, and the internet would not be possible. And of course, without computers and modern communications tools, society could not have made the huge strides in fields such as medicine, aerospace technologies, meteorology, transportation, agriculture, education, and many others. It is for these reasons that the invention of the transistor is considered as one of the most important technological advancements in history.

  • Authors: Reinhard, Haas; Lutz, Mez; Amela, Ajanovic;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2019)

    This open access book discusses the eroding economics of nuclear power for electricity generation as well as technical, legal, and political acceptance issues. The use of nuclear power for electricity generation is still a heavily disputed issue. Aside from technical risks, safety issues, and the unsolved problem of nuclear waste disposal, the economic performance is currently a major barrier. In recent years, the costs have skyrocketed especially in the European countries and North America. At the same time, the costs of alternatives such as photovoltaics and wind power have significantly decreased.

  • Authors: Andrea, Mitofsky;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2019)

    Overview: This book is an outline of selected topics in introductory algebra-trig-based physics. The worked examples are level-one problems that are straightforward and accessible to novice students. The content of this book is a combination of borrowed materials (primarily from Openstax textbooks) and original writing. This book is and will remain a work in progress.

  • Authors: Brent, Pfifer;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2019)

    Overview: A technician is only as accurate as the measurement equipment they are using. If the equipment is used incorrectly or is faulty, then the measurements will be inaccurate. If the measurements are inaccurate, then the technician will draw the wrong conclusions. To avoid getting inaccurate readings, you need to handle, use, and store meters properly. When you are done using a multimeter, it should always be turned off to extend battery life.