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  • Authors: Concepción López, González; Jorge Luis, García-Valldecabres; Luis Cortés, Meseguer;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Octagonal layouts are widely used in medieval architecture. In Spain, the Cathedral of Valencia is an exceptional example because of its compositional arrangement and early date of construction. The study of this cathedral serves not only to propose the regulatory layout and geometric process to develop the transept, the ambulatory, and the dome but allows the empirical establishment of the complex properties and characteristics of the octagon. By surveying the planes with a 3D laser scanner, the graphic procedures used in the original design of the temple were verified, as were the geometric theories pertaining to the figure of the octagon in architecture, set by the golden ratio.

  • Authors: Xiao, Xiao; Zidong, Liu;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    This paper proposes a graph-based mathematical approach with a novel metric, the Structure Evolution Degree, to quantitatively analyze urban spatial structure transitions at cross scale and verifies its effectiveness through two cases studies, the San Bartolomeo Quarter of Venice and the Xiaoxihu Historical Block of Nanjing.

  • Authors: Bogdan, Raiţă; Angkana, Rüland; Camillo, Tissot;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    In this article we study quantitative rigidity properties for the compatible and incompatible two-state problems for suitable classes of A-free differential inclusions and for a singularly perturbed T3 structure for the divergence operator. In particular, in the compatible setting of the two-state problem we prove that all homogeneous, first order, linear operators with affine boundary data which enforce oscillations yield the typical ϵ23-lower scaling bounds. As observed in Chan and Conti (Math. Models Methods Appl. Sci. 25(06):1091–1124, 2015) for higher order operators this may no longer be the case. Revisiting the example from Chan and Conti

  • Authors: Brian, Choi; Alejandro, Aceves;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    We prove that the solutions to the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation with non-local algebraically decaying coupling converge strongly in L2(R2) to those of the continuum fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation, as the discretization parameter tends to zero. The proof relies on sharp dispersive estimates that yield the Strichartz estimates that are uniform in the discretization parameter. An explicit computation of the leading term of the oscillatory integral asymptotics is used to show that the best constants of a family of dispersive estimates blow up as the non-locality parameter α∈(1,2) approaches the boundaries.

  • Authors: Jürgen, Berndt;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    This paper deals with a limiting case motivated by contact geometry. The limiting case of a tensorial characterization of contact hypersurfaces in Kähler manifolds leads to Hopf hypersurfaces whose maximal complex subbundle of the tangent bundle is integrable. It is known that in non-flat complex space forms and in complex quadrics such real hypersurfaces do not exist, but the existence problem in other irreducible Kähler manifolds is open. In this paper we construct explicitly a one-parameter family of homogeneous Hopf hypersurfaces, whose maximal complex subbundle of the tangent bundle is integrable, in a Hermitian symmetric space of non-compact type and rank two.

  • Authors: Zihong, Huang; Zhenshu, Wen;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    This paper concerns the persistence of kink and periodic waves to singularly perturbed two-component Drinfel’d-Sokolov-Wilson system. Geometric singular perturbation theory is first employed to reduce the high-dimensional system to the perturbed planar system. By perturbation analysis and Abelian integrals theory, we then are able to find the sufficient conditions about the wave speed to guarantee the existence of heteroclinic orbit and periodic orbits, which indicates the existence of kink and periodic waves. Furthermore, we also show that the limit wave speed c0(k) is increasing.

  • Authors: Nick M. L., Mols; Camilla, Pezzica;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The facciata double meaning as façade and outer appearance embodies the Italian city-state’s political, cultural, and social values that Leon Battista Alberti outlined in his famed De re aedificatoria libri decem (1485). This concept lies at the heart of Florence’s urban fabric: one of the early cradles of Renaissance architecture that originated from the artistic expenditure of prosperous families including, the Medici, Strozzi, and Rucellai. In this context, the Palazzo Rucellai (c.1446-66) marks an important historical moment in history as its façade, with its three superimposed orders and well-proportioned urban composition, was the first of its kind in Renaissance Florence.

  • Authors: David E., Rowe;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The first two of the twenty-three unsolved problems that David Hilbert famously proposed at the 1900 International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) in 1900 dealt with issues associated with the real number continuum. The first problem concerned Cantor’s continuum hypothesis, whereas the second dealt with Hilbert’s attempt to establish the existence of the continuum by proving the consistency of his axioms for characterizing its properties. Few have noted, however, that Hilbert himself linked the larger goals of Cantor’s theory of transfinite arithmetic with those of his own program for axiomatization.

  • Authors: Agostinho, Agra;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    We consider a lot-sizing problem with set-ups where the demands are uncertain, and propose a novel approach to evaluate the inventory costs. An interval uncertainty is assumed for the demands. Between two consecutive production periods, the adversary chooses to set the demand either to its higher value or to its lower value in order to maximize the inventory (holding or backlog) costs. A mixed-integer model is devised and a column-and-row generation algorithm is proposed. Computational tests based on random generated instances are conducted to evaluate the model, the decomposition algorithm, and compare the structure of the solutions from the robust model with those from the deterministic model.

  • Authors: Yingting, Miao; Christian, Rohde; Hao, Tang;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    This paper aims at studying a generalized Camassa–Holm equation under random perturbation. We establish a local well-posedness result in the sense of Hadamard, i.e., existence, uniqueness and continuous dependence on initial data, as well as blow-up criteria for pathwise solutions in the Sobolev spaces Hs with s>3/2 for x∈R . The analysis on continuous dependence on initial data for nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations has gained less attention in the literature so far.