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This graduation paper provides English learners with a solid foundation of knowledge about passive sentence structures used in English and Vietnamese and aims to find the similarities and differences about passive sentences in both languages. The research focuses on analyzing and applying passive sentence structures through the famous literary work “After Twenty Years”. This is an effective way to help learners gain a deeper understanding of passive sentence structures. Furthermore, it also encourages them to use passive sentence structures in speaking and writing to make their speeches and writing more clear, in-depth, and quotable. |
The graduation paper is to investigate and synthesize a list of English idioms containing the word “cat” with reference to Vietnamese equivalents. Through this analysis, the thesis highlights the linguistic and cultural similarities and differences between the two nations. |
The study “A Study on English Idioms and Proverbs Related to Animals with Reference to Vietnamese Equivalents” focuses on exploring and comparing the cultural and linguistic aspects of animal-related idioms and proverbs in English and Vietnamese, fostering cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. The primary aim is to identify and compile a comprehensive list of English idioms and proverbs that feature animal imagery. The study also aims to compare English idioms and proverbs with their Vietnamese equivalents, examining similarities, differences, and cultural nuances. Linguistic analysis will explore how each language utilizes animal imagery, while cultural analysis will focus on the values and beliefs reflected in these expressions. By analyzing the cultural contexts in which... |
The study aims to help Vietnamese English learners identify the functional and structural characteristics of noun phrases in English and Vietnamese. The study also investigates the syntactic and semantic characteristics of English noun phrases in the forewords of English novels and their Vietnamese equivalents. The research objective is to identify noun phrases and determine the similarities and differences in the syntactic and semantic characteristics of noun phrases in both languages. The research method includes the descriptive, analytical-synthesis technique and the comparative and contrastive method. The research results show that both languages share some similarities in the syntactic and semantic characteristics of noun phrases, while also showing differences in structure due... |
The reliable results of the research is the product of a process of detailed statistics and synthesis by the author with comparing, contrasting and relating reference documents. 102 idioms denoting time in English and 111 equivalents in Vietnamese have been compiled. The research is not only academically significant but also offers practical and cultural values. It helps readers and learners gain a more comprehensive and profound understanding of the richness and diversity of language and culture of the both countries. The graduation paper is a useful reference for English teachers and learners. |
Khóa luận tốt nghiệp hướng tới nâng cao sự hiểu biết và cách sử dụng câu hỏi Wh- bằng cách phân tích đặc điểm cấu trúc và ngữ nghĩa của chúng trong tác phẩm tiếng Anh “Người chồng lý tưởng” và so sánh chúng với những tương đương trong tiếng Việt. Nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra mặc dù câu hỏi Wh- ở cả hai ngôn ngữ đều có chức năng và hỏi về nội dung tương tự nhau, nhưng vị trí cấu trúc của chúng lại khác nhau đáng kể. Câu hỏi Wh- của tiếng Anh đặt từ nghi vấn ở đầu câu, trong khi câu hỏi của tiếng Việt có thể đặt những từ này ở nhiều vị trí khác nhau trong câu. Những phát hiện này cung cấp những hiểu biết có giá trị cho người học, giúp họ cải thiện kỹ năng dịch thuật và khả năng giao tiếp bằng cả hai ngôn ngữ. |