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  • Authors: Lennon, Kyle R.; Rathinaraj, Joshua David John; Cadena, Miguel A. Gonzalez;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Anticipating qualitative changes in the rheological response of complex fluids (e.g., a gelation or vitrification transition) is an important capability for processing operations that utilize such materials in real-world environments. One class of complex fluids that exhibits distinct rheological states are soft glassy materials such as colloidal gels and clay dispersions, which can be well characterized by the soft glassy rheology (SGR) model. We first solve the model equations for the time-dependent, weakly nonlinear response of the SGR model. With this analytical solution, we show that the weak nonlinearities measured via medium amplitude parallel superposition (MAPS) rheology can be used to anticipate the rheological aging transitions in the linear response of soft glassy materi...