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Showing results [2863 - 2882] / 3405
  • Authors: Wei, Tang; Shousheng, Zhang; Chuang, Yu;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    Tactile perception plays a critical role in the interaction of humans and environment. It begins with the mechanical stimulation induced by friction and is processed in the somatosensory cortex. To quantify the tactile perceptions of textile fabrics, the mechanical properties of fabrics and the features extracted from the friction and vibration signals were correlated with the subjective sensation rated by questionnaires. Meanwhile, the technique of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to identify the brain areas responsible for the tactile perception of textile fabrics.
  • Authors: Anh D. Phan; Nguyen K. Ngan; Do T. Nga; Nam B. Le; Chu Viet Ha;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    A theoretical approach to quantitatively determine the photothermally driven enhancement of molecular mobility of graphene-indomethacin mixtures under infrared laser irradiation is proposed. Graphene plasmons absorb incident electromagnetic energy and dissipate them into heat. The absorbed energy depends on optical properties of graphene plasmons, which are sensitive to structural parameters, and concentration of plasmonic nanostructures. By using theoretical modelling, temperature gradients of the bulk drug with different concentrations of graphene plasmons are calculated. From these, the temperature dependence of structural molecular relaxation and diffusion of indomethacin are dete...
  • Authors: Anh, D. Phan; Nguyen, K. Ngan; Do, T. Nga; Nam, B. Le; Chu, Viet Ha;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    A theoretical approach to quantitatively determine the photothermally driven enhancement of molecular mobility of graphene-indomethacin mixtures under infrared laser irradiation is proposed. Graphene plasmons absorb incident electromagnetic energy and dissipate them into heat. The absorbed energy depends on optical properties of graphene plasmons, which are sensitive to structural parameters, and concentration of plasmonic nanostructures. By using theoretical modelling, temperature gradients of the bulk drug with different concentrations of graphene plasmons are calculated. From these, the temperature dependence of structural molecular relaxation and diffusion of indomethacin are dete...
  • Authors: Alessio De, Rango; Andrea, Giordano; Giuseppe, Mendicino;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    In this paper, techniques for dynamic load balancing of the cellular automata parallel execution are presented for the case of domain space partitioned along two dimensions. Starting from general closed-form expressions that allow to compute the optimal workload assignment in a dynamic fashion when partitioning takes place along only one dimension, we tailor the procedure to allow partitioning and balancing along both dimensions. Both qualitative and quantitative experiments are carried out that assess performance improvement in applying load balancing for the case of two-dimensional partitioned domain, especially when the load balancing takes place along both dimensions.
  • Authors: Phạm, Thị Thu Hằng;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy tỷ lệ stress, lo âu, trầm cảm và mức độ chất lượng cuộc sống thấp trên bệnh nhân ung thư dạy dày sau truyền hóa chất tại Viện ung thư Bệnh viên Trung ương Quân đội 108. Nghiên cứu cũng chỉ ra chất lượng cuộc sống của người bệnh ung thư dạ dày ở mức độ thấp và cần được cải thiện, đặc biệt là ở lĩnh vực sức khỏe và tinh thần. Các nghiên cứu trong tương lai có thể xem xét chiến lược tác động vào các yếu tố như hỗ trợ xã hội, chăm sóc về tinh thần có thể cải thiện chất chất lượng cuộc sống của người bệnh ung thư dạ dày sau truyền hóa chất
  • Authors: Nguyễn, Hương Giang;  Advisor: Hoàng, Văn Hoạt;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    Nghiên cứu này được thực hiện nhằm chỉ ra những lợi ích và tầm quan trọng của việc ghi chú mang lại. Đồng thời nghiên cứu cũng chỉ ra những khó khăn mà mọi người hay mắc phải ghi chú và cách khắc phục. Phương pháp được sử dụng trong khóa luận này là nghiên cứu và phân tích số liệu. Thông qua nghiên cứu này tôi mong muốn người đọc có thể cải thiện được kỹ năng ghi chú của mình và sử dụng nó một cách hiệu quả nhất.
  • Authors: Doak, Kevin M.;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2019)

    This monograph on Tanaka Kotaro is very inspiring and intriguing. Japanese scholars have discussed the ideas and achievements of Tanaka Kotaro in the context of jurisprudence and educational studies, however, few of them paid attention to this topic. As a result, Kevin Doak presents a fuller picture of Tanaka in his monograph.
  • Authors: Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    Tạp chí khoa học Việt Nam Trực tuyến (Vietnam Journals Online- VJOL) là một cơ sở dữ liệu cho phép độc giả tiếp cận tri thức khoa học được xuất bản tại Việt Nam và nâng cao hiểu biết của thế giới về nền học thuật của Việt Nam. Website VJOL hiện do Cục Thông tin khoa học và công nghệ quốc gia (Bộ Khoa học và Công nghệ) quản lý, duy trì và phát triển nhằm tăng cường sự hiện diện và tầm ảnh hưởng của các tạp chí khoa học Việt Nam đối với bạn đọc trong nước và quốc tế, đồng thời đẩy mạnh quá trình chuyển đổi số của các tạp chí khoa học thông qua nền tảng VJOL. Việc đăng ký tham gia vào website VJOL là hoàn toàn miễn phí. Thông tin chi tiết mời xem phần GIỚI THIỆU. DANH MỤC TẠP CH...
  • Authors: Chen, Huei-Jen; Cheng, Yi-An; Chen, Yu-Tung;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    PEGylated nanoparticles (PEG-NPs) are not effective for hematologic malignancies as they lack the enhanced permeability and retention effect (EPR effect). Tumor-targeted PEG-NPs can systemically track lymphoma and actively internalize into cancer cells to enhance therapeutic efficacy. We generated an anti-PEG bispecific antibody (BsAb; mPEG × CD20) which was able to simultaneously bind to methoxy PEG on liposomes and CD20 to form multivalent αCD20-armed liposomes. This αCD20-armed liposome was able to crosslink CD20 on lymphoma cells to enhance cellular internalization and the anti-cancer efficacy of the liposomes to lymphoma. We generated mPEG × CD20 and used this bispecific antibody...
  • Authors: Yupei, Li; Yu, Chen; Tinghang, Yang;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Both high mobility group box-1 (HMGB1) and histones are major damage-associated molecular patterns (DAPMs) that mediate lethal systemic inflammation, activation of the complement and coagulation system, endothelial injury and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome in critical illnesses. Although accumulating evidence collectively shows that targeting HMGB1 or histones by their specific antibodies or inhibitors could significantly mitigate aberrant immune responses in multiple critically ill animal models, routine clinical use of such agents is still not recommended by any guideline.
  • Authors: Manoj Kumar, Patra; Bibhudatta, Sahoo; Ashok Kumar, Turuk;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Containers as a service (CaaS) are a kind of services that permits the organization to handle the containers more effectively. Containers are lightweight, require less computing resources, portable, and facilitate better support for microservices. In the CaaS model, containers are deployed in virtual machines, and the virtual machine runs on the physical machine. The objective of this paper is to estimate the resource required by a VM to execute a number of containers. VM sizing is a directorial process where the system administrators have to optimize the allocated resources within the permitted virtualized space. In this work, the VM sizing is carried out using the Deep Convolutional...
  • Authors: Andrea, Angeli; Patrizia, Lattarulo; Eugenio, Palmieri;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Italian governments have frequently chosen tax amnesties or concessions, with the twofold purpose of creating new budget resources and cancelling irredeemable debts. Such course of action constitutes a “shortcut” policy in terms of fighting tax evasion, which is a matter less popular among voters and more demanding in terms of efficiency and political continuity. This paper investigates the effects of the 2016–2019 tax concession, bringing empirical evidence based on the car tax paid to the Tuscany Region. The car tax is the main source of regional fiscal autonomy in Italy. In terms of revenue recovery, we found a net amount of only 1.6% of the unpaid taxes accrued. A difference-in-di...
  • Authors: Niilo, Noponen; Polina, Feshchenko; Tommi, Auvinen;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The use of algorithmic management systems is rapidly changing organizational models and practices, as millions of workers in multiple sectors worldwide are managed by computer software. Despite receiving increasing academic interest, little summarizing literature exist on the ways algorithmic systems are used in management. This article aims to fill this gap by systematically reviewing and qualitatively analyzing 172 articles on the topic. Our research contributes to the existent algorithmic management literature in three ways. First, we provide a descriptive overview of algorithmic management as a field of research. Second, we identify and synthesize the discussion on the key concept...
  • Authors: Hector, Vargas; Ruben, Heradio; Matias, Donoso;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    Some of the most critical competencies students need to acquire to become control engineers require performing practices under actual industrial conditions. This means that they must not only master the theoretical aspects of the discipline but also acquire skills and attitudes to face unpredictable real-world situations. Software tools such as Matlab/Simulink are widely used to train the design and validation of controllers, but they fail to provide real industrial contexts. Nowadays, there are 3D simulation tools that support recreating industrial environments to a remarkable extent, making them very attractive for university courses. Nevertheless, their application in engineering c...