Browsing by Author Camilla, Pezzica

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  • Authors: Nick M. L., Mols; Camilla, Pezzica;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The facciata double meaning as façade and outer appearance embodies the Italian city-state’s political, cultural, and social values that Leon Battista Alberti outlined in his famed De re aedificatoria libri decem (1485). This concept lies at the heart of Florence’s urban fabric: one of the early cradles of Renaissance architecture that originated from the artistic expenditure of prosperous families including, the Medici, Strozzi, and Rucellai. In this context, the Palazzo Rucellai (c.1446-66) marks an important historical moment in history as its façade, with its three superimposed orders and well-proportioned urban composition, was the first of its kind in Renaissance Florence.