Tìm kiếm theo: Tác giả Eileen, Witowski

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  • Tác giả : Tobias, Götze; Marc, Gürtler; Eileen, Witowski;  Người hướng dẫn: -;  Đồng tác giả: - (2023)

    The main challenge in empirical asset pricing is forecasting the future value of assets traded in financial markets with a high level of accuracy. Because machine learning methods can model relationships between explanatory and dependent variables based on complex, non-linear, and/or non-parametric structures, it is not surprising that machine learning approaches have shown promising forecasting results and significantly outperform traditional regression methods. Corresponding results were achieved for CAT bond premia forecasts in the primary market. However, since secondary market data sets have a panel data structure, it is unclear whether the results of primary market studies can b...