Browsing by Author George, Haller

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  • Authors: Joar, Axås; Mattia, Cenedese; George, Haller;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    We present a fast method for nonlinear data-driven model reduction of dynamical systems onto their slowest nonresonant spectral submanifolds (SSMs). While the recently proposed reduced-order modeling method SSMLearn uses implicit optimization to fit a spectral submanifold to data and reduce the dynamics to a normal form, here, we reformulate these tasks as explicit problems under certain simplifying assumptions. In addition, we provide a novel method for timelag selection when delay-embedding signals from multimodal systems. We show that our alternative approach to data-driven SSM construction yields accurate and sparse rigorous models for essentially nonlinear (or non-linearizable) d...
  • Authors: Mingwu, Li; Shobhit, Jain; George, Haller;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Dynamical systems are often subject to algebraic constraints in conjunction with their governing ordinary differential equations. In particular, multibody systems are commonly subject to configuration constraints that define kinematic compatibility between the motion of different bodies. A full-scale numerical simulation of such constrained problems is challenging, making reduced-order models (ROMs) of paramount importance. In this work, we show how to use spectral submanifolds (SSMs) to construct rigorous ROMs for mechanical systems with configuration constraints. These SSM-based ROMs enable the direct extraction of backbone curves and forced response curves and facilitate efficient ...