Browsing by Author Haoyu, Wen

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  • Authors: Yaxin, Wang; Haoyu, Wen; ZhongQuan, Hu;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The domestic substitution of the IC (the Integrated Circuit) industry improves economic efficiency and is significant in ensuring national security, which has gradually become an essential strategy for countries worldwide. Based on the background of domestic substitution of integrated circuits, we select a typical component Micro Controller Unit) as the research object, construct a three-level supply chain game model under different scenarios in a dynamic architecture, and analyze the game problem of collaborative innovation of the MCU supply chain. We fully consider the impact of factors such as time, cost and the innovation and collaborative innovation efforts of various supply chai...
  • Authors: Jiakuan, Chen; Haoyu, Wen;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    With frequent political conflicts and public health emergencies, global supply chains are constantly under risk interference, significantly reducing supply chain resilience (SCR), especially for the knowledge-intensive supply chains (KISCs). To assess and improve the resilience of KISC, this paper uses complex network theory to construct a directed weighted network model suitable for KISC and expresses the SCR as a comprehensive capability that can resist risk and recover from it. Using quantitative indicators plus qualitative assessment to quantify the resilience index and identify the network key nodes. Two resilience improvement paths are proposed for KISCs, improving firms’ develo...