Browsing by Author Hoda Abd, El-Sattar

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  • Authors: Marwa M., Emam; Hoda Abd, El-Sattar; Essam H., Houssein;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    This paper provides a novel, unique, and improved optimization algorithm called the modified Orca Predation Algorithm (mOPA). The mOPA is based on the original Orca Predation Algorithm (OPA), which combines two enhancing strategies: Lévy flight and opposition-based learning. The mOPA method is proposed to enhance search efficiency and avoid the limitations of the original OPA. This mOPA method sets up to solve the global optimization issues. Additionally, its effectiveness is compared with various well-known metaheuristic methods, and the CEC’20 test suite challenges are used to illustrate how well the mOPA performs.