Browsing by Author Marvin, Scherzinger

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  • Authors: Natalie, Mayer; Niklas, Widderich; Marvin, Scherzinger;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    When facing today’s scarcity of mineral phosphorus (P) resources and the environmental issues following enhanced P losses especially from agriculture, new solutions need to be implemented. In this framework, the potential for a mechanical separation of a P rich grain fraction from wheat, rye, barley and oats is investigated in order to provide animal feed with reduced organic P content. Thus, P accumulation in manure and soils should be prevented. Also, the subsequent utilization of the separated organic P, which occurs in the form of inositol P, for a sustainable P management via activation of intrinsic enzymes is evaluated. It was shown that in grain layers at 7.0, 5.5, 6.4 and 2.5%...