Browsing by Author Nima, Khodadadi

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  • Authors: Nima, Khodadadi; Laith, Abualigah; Qasem, Al-Tashi;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The Chaos Game Optimization (CGO) has only recently gained popularity, but its effective searching capabilities have a lot of potential for addressing single-objective optimization issues. Despite its advantages, this method can only tackle problems formulated with one objective. The multi-objective CGO proposed in this study is utilized to handle the problems with several objectives (MOCGO). In MOCGO, Pareto-optimal solutions are stored in a fixed-sized external archive. In addition, the leader selection functionality needed to carry out multi-objective optimization has been included in CGO. The technique is also applied to eight real-world engineering design challenges with multiple...