Browsing by Author Nué, Charline Le

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  • Authors: Nué, Charline Le; Gallo, Santiago Corujeira; Vahid, Alireza;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    High-chromium cast irons are an essential class of wear-resistant materials commonly used for wear-resistant applications in the mining and steel industries. There is ongoing debate on the secondary carbide types and their formation sequences during heat treatment. This work examines the microstructural evolution during destabilization treatment of a hypoeutectic high-chromium cast iron containing 2.2 wt pct C and 16.5 wt pct Cr. Starting from an inhomogeneous as-cast microstructure consisting of ~ 28 pct M7C3 eutectic carbide and a mixed matrix of martensite and retained austenite, destabilization treatments resulted in the establishment of near homogeneous structure with a near equi...