Browsing by Author Pablo, Cabañas-Molero

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  • Authors: Pablo, Cabañas-Molero; Antonio J., Muñoz-Montoro; Pedro, Vera-Candeas;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Classical music, unlike popular music, is usually recorded live with close microphone techniques. For this reason, isolated tracks are not available to create the final mixture/stream, and so the mixing process requires greater effort. Source separation methods are a potential solution to this problem. However, current algorithms are not fast enough to yield real-time separation in professional setups with dozens of microphones and sources. In this paper, we propose a fast approach consisting of a panning-based multichannel non-negative matrix factorization model to separate classical music. We tested the system on real professional recordings, where we were able to reach real-time wi...