Browsing by Author Taima, Moustafa S.

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  • Authors: Shehab, Mohamed B.; Taima, Moustafa S.; Sayed, Hussein;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    In this study, the linear free vibration of intact and cracked functionally graded material plates is investigated numerically and experimentally. The experimental work is limited to the isotropic materials. The numerical work is based on finite element, where a code is developed to obtain the natural frequencies of intact plates based on the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) using MATLAB software. Also, a model of through-cracked FGM plate is developed using ANSYS Workbench with the help of APDL coding. The material properties of the plates under study are graded in one, two, and three directions. The novelty of this study emerges through its examination of the synergistic ...