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Results 671-680 of 691 (Search time: 0.006 seconds).
  • Authors: Đào, Thanh Hải; Dao, Thanh Hai;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2020)

    Elastic optical networks technologies feature several benefits including higher spectral efficiency, system capacity and therefore have been widely viewed as the promising paradigm for next-generation optical transport networks. Dedicated path protection for elastic optical networks has been of ever-increasing importance in the era of information society thanks to its near-immediate recovery speed and remarkably simple operations in guaranteeing the connectivity of information flows. Inspired by the observation that the today premium network traffic traveling in fiber links accounts for roughly 25% of total traffic and the best-effort traffic constitutes the remaining, we propose a new design for elastic optical networks with dedicated path protection tailoring to the actual traffic...

  • Authors: Nguyen T, Dung; Dang Tran, Chien; Trinh Duc, Thien; Duong Anh, Tuan; Pham Duc, Thang; Nguyen Dang, Ninh; Nguyen Dinh, Lam;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2020)

    Các màng quang xúc tác hỗn hợp Zn1 − xSnxO NR / ITO được chế tạo bằng phương pháp thủy nhiệt. Nồng độ Sn dopant trong nanorods Zn1 − xSnxO (NR) thay đổi từ 0% đến 7%. Các đặc điểm hình thái cấu trúc và bề mặt của màng quang xúc tác hỗn hợp Zn1 − xSnxO NR / ITO đã được nghiên cứu bằng nhiễu xạ tia X (XRD) và kính hiển vi điện tử quét (SEM), tương ứng. Ngoài ra, tính chất xúc tác quang của vật liệu tổng hợp được đánh giá bằng tốc độ phân hủy của dung dịch nước Rhodamine-B dưới bức xạ tia UV. Kết quả SEM chỉ ra rằng, với nồng độ Sn dopant ngày càng tăng trong Zn1 S xSnxO NR / ITO, diện tích bề mặt hiệu quả đã bị suy giảm do chức năng phân rã theo hàm mũ và mức giảm không đáng kể vì nồng độ pha tạp Sn cao hơn 3%. Với sự tương đồng về diện tích bề mặt hiệu quả, sự đóng góp của Sn trong v...

  • Authors: Dinh, Thi Hinh;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2020)

    To further reduce the driving field of Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3-based piezoceramics to meet the requirements for real actuators applications, SrTiO3 modified 0.99Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3-0.01LaFeO3 piezoceramics were synthesized. The 0.79Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3-0.01LaFeO3-0.20SrTiO3 provides the large electrostrains of 405 pm/V at 1.7 kV/mm and 565 pm/V at 2 kV/mm, which are triable values for actuator applications in non-textured Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3-based piezoceramics.

  • Authors: Minh-Hoang Nguyen; Manh-Tung Ho; Viet-Phuong La; Quynh-Yen Thi.Nguyen; Manh-Toan Ho; Thu-Trang Vuong; Tam-Tri Le; Manh-Cuong Nguyen; Quan-Hoang Vuong;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2020)

    Given that mental health issues are acute in Asian countries, particularly Japan and Korea, and university students are more vulnerable to depression than the general population, this study aims to examine the landscapes of scientific research regarding depressive disorders among university students and evaluate the effectiveness of international collaboration and funding provision on the scientific impact in Korea, Japan, and China. Based on articles retrieved from the Web of Science database during the period 1992–2018, we found that the number of scientific publications, international collaborations, and allocated funds regarding depressive disorder among university students in China (97 articles, 43 international collaborations, and 52 funds provided, respectively) overwhelmingl...

  • Authors: Nghiem, H. T. M.; Dang, H. T.; Costi, T. A.;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2020)

    We investigate several definitions of the time-dependent spectral function A(ω,t) of the Anderson impurity model following a quench and within the time-dependent numerical renormalization group (TDNRG) method. In terms of the single-particle two-time retarded Green function Gr(t1,t2), the definitions we consider differ in the choice of the time variable t with respect to t1 and/or t2 (which we refer to as the time reference). In a previous study [H. T. M. Nghiem et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 156601 (2017)], we investigated the spectral function A(ω,t), obtained from the Fourier transform of Im[Gr(t1,t2)] with respect to the time difference t′=t1−t2, with time reference t=t2. Here, we complement this work by deriving expressions for the retarded Green function for the choices t=t1 an...

  • Authors: Manh-Toan Ho; Thu-Trang Vuong; Thanh-Hang Pham; Anh-Phuong Luong; Thanh-Nhan Nguyen; Quan-Hoang Vuong;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2020)

    International collaboration contributes significantly to improving scientific performance in Vietnam, but it also results in Vietnamese researchers depending on foreign partners to get their work published. The current study is an initial effort to examine the domestic research capability of Vietnam’s Social Science and Humanities (SSH) disciplines through scientific productivity. The research focuses on investigating various aspects, including leading Vietnamese authors, solo authors, and gender difference, as well as international and domestic collaboration networks. The study extracts the data of 2040 Vietnamese SSH authors, 1981 foreign authors, and 3160 publications during the period of 2008–2019, from the exclusive Social Sciences and Humanities Peer Awards (SSHPA) database. F...

  • Authors: Nguyen Tat, Thang; Le Thi, Hong; Nguyen Hoang, Thoan; Chu Manh, Hung; Nguyen Van, Duy; Nguyen Van, Hieu; Nguyen Duc, Hoa;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2020)

    Fabrication of a high-performance room-temperature (RT) gas sensor is important for the future integration of sensors into smart, portable and Internet-of-Things (IoT)-based devices. Herein, we developed a NO2 gas sensor based on ultrathin MoS2 nanoflowers with high sensitivity at RT. The MoS2 flower-like nanostructures were synthesised via a simple hydrothermal method with different growth times of 24, 36, 48, and 60 h. The synthesised MoS2 nanoflowers were subsequently characterised by scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The petal-like nanosheets in pure MoS2 agglomerated to form a flower-like structure with Raman vibrational modes at 378 and 403 cm−1 and crystallisation in ...