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Nursing Theorists and their work
Alligood, Martha Raile
Issue Date: 
This book is a tribute to nursing theorists and a classic in theoretical nursing literature. It presents many major thinkers in nursing, reviews their important knowledge-building ideas, lists their publications, and points the reader to those using the works and writing about them in their own theoretical publications. Unit I introduces the text with a brief history of nursing knowledge development and its significance to the discipline and practice of the profession in Chapter 1. Other chapters in Unit I discuss the history, philosophy of science and the framework for analysis used throughout the text, logical reasoning and theory development processes, and the structure of knowledge and types of knowledge within that structure. Ten works from earlier editions of Nursing Theorists and Their Work are introduced and discussed briefly as nursing theorists of historical significance in Chapter 5. They are Peplau; Henderson; Abdellah; Wiedenbach; Hall; Travelbee; Barnard; Adam; Roper, Logan, Tierney, and Orlando. In Unit II, the philosophies of Nightingale, Watson, Ray, Benner, Martinsen, and Eriksson are presented. Unit III includes nursing models by Levine, Rogers, Orem, King, Neuman, Roy, and Johnson. The work of Boykin and Schoenhofer begins Unit IV on nursing theory, followed by the works of Meleis; Pender; Leininger; Newman; Parse; Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain; and the Husteds. Unit V presents middle range theoretical works of Mercer; Mishel; Reed; Wiener and Dodd; Eakes, Burke, and Hainsworth; Barker; Kolcaba; Beck; Swanson; Ruland and Moore. Unit VI addresses the state of the art and science of nursing theory from three perspectives: the philosophy of nursing science, the expansion of theory development, and the global nature and expanding use of nursing theoretical works.
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