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This book examines public attitudes to the death penalty in Japan, focusing on knowledge and trust-based attitudinal factors relating to support for, and opposition to, the death penalty. A mixed-method approach was used. Quantitative and qualitative surveys were mounted to assess Japanese death penalty attitudes. The main findings show that death penalty attitudes are not fixed but fluid. Information has a significant impact on reducing support for the death penalty while retributive attitudes are associated with support. This book offers a new conceptual framework in understanding the death penalty without replying on the usual human rights approach, which can be widely applied not just to Japan but to other retentionist countries. |
This monograph on Tanaka Kotaro is very inspiring and intriguing. Japanese scholars have discussed the ideas and achievements of Tanaka Kotaro in the context of jurisprudence and educational studies, however, few of them paid attention to this topic. As a result, Kevin Doak presents a fuller picture of Tanaka in his monograph. |
There is an increasing appreciation of the interconnections among all forms of violence. These interconnections have critical implications for conducting research that can produce valid conclusions about the causes and consequences of abuse, maltreatment, and trauma. The accumulated data on co-occurrence also provide strong evidence that prevention and intervention should be organized around the full context of individuals’ experiences, not narrowly defined subtypes of violence. Managing the flood of new research and practice innovations is a challenge, however. New means of communication and integration are needed to meet this challenge, and the Web of Violence is intended to contribute to this process by serving as a concise overview of the conceptual and empirical work that form ... |
If the terminology, constituent techniques, and hopes and fears around artificial intelligence are not new, what exactly is? At least two differences characterize the present climate. |
Luật ban hành các văn bản quy phạm pháp luật số: 80/2015/QH13 |