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Results 61-70 of 287 (Search time: 0.01 seconds).
  • Authors: Giorgio, Cipolloni; László, Erdős; Dominik, Schröder;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    Following E. Wigner’s original vision, we prove that sampling the eigenvalue gaps within the bulk spectrum of a fixed (deformed) Wigner matrix H yields the celebrated Wigner-Dyson-Mehta universal statistics with high probability. Similarly, we prove universality for a monoparametric family of deformed Wigner matrices H+xA with a deterministic Hermitian matrix A and a fixed Wigner matrix H, just using the randomness of a single scalar real random variable x. Both results constitute quenched versions of bulk universality that has so far only been proven in annealed sense with respect to the probability space of the matrix ensemble.

  • Authors: Lipeng, Duan; Monica, Musso; Suting, Wei;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    We consider the prescribed scalar curvature problem on SNΔSNv−N(N−2)2v+K~(y)vN+2N−2=0 on SN,v>0in SN, under the assumptions that the scalar curvature K~ is rotationally symmetric, and has a positive local maximum point between the poles. We prove the existence of infinitely many non-radial positive solutions, whose energy can be made arbitrarily large. These solutions are invariant under some non-trivial sub-group of O(3) obtained doubling the equatorial. We use the finite dimensional Lyapunov–Schmidt reduction method.

  • Authors: Anna, Fino; Lucía, Martín-Merchán; Alberto, Raffero;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    We show that the compact quotient Γ∖G of a seven-dimensional simply connected Lie group G by a co-compact discrete subgroup Γ⊂G does not admit any exact G2-structure which is induced by a left-invariant one on G .

  • Authors: Boštjan, Gabrovšek; Neslihan, Gügümcü;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    In this paper, we extend the definition of a knotoid to multi-linkoids that consist of a finite number of knot and knotoid components. We study invariants of multi-linkoids, such as the Kauffman bracket polynomial, ordered bracket polynomial, the Kauffman skein module, and the T-invariant in relation with generalized Θ -graphs.

  • Authors: Purnaprajna, Bangere; Francisco Javier, Gallego; Jayan, Mukherjee;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    In this article, we study the moduli of irregular surfaces of general type with at worst canonical singularities satisfying K2=4pg−8, for any even integer pg≥4. These surfaces also have unbounded irregularity q. We carry out our study by investigating the deformations of the canonical morphism φ:X→PN, where φ is a quadruple Galois cover of a smooth surface of minimal degree. These canonical covers are classified in Gallego and Purnaprajna (Trans Am Math Soc 360(10):5489-5507, 2008) into four distinct families, one of which is the easy case of a product of curves.

  • Authors: Li, Guo; Sylvie, Paycha; Bin, Zhang;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Starting from the principle of locality in quantum field theory, which states that an object is influenced directly only by its immediate surroundings, we review some features of the notion of locality arising in physics and mathematics. We encode these in locality relations, given by symmetric binary relations, and locality morphisms, namely maps that factorise on products of pairs in the graph of such locality relations. This factorisation is a key property in the context of renormalisation, as illustrated on the factorisation of an exponential sum on convex cones, discussed at the end of the paper.

  • Authors: Junyan, Li; Ruili, Wu;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    The main objective of this article is to study the dynamic transition associated with the activator-substrate system. Two criteria are derived to describe the transition from real eigenvalues or complex eigenvalues and the types of transition. Notably, we get two parameters b1 and b2, which can determine the the types of transitions for the two criteria respectively. The analysis is carried out using dynamic transition theory developed recently by Ma and Wang (Phase transition dynamics, Springer, New York, 2013, Bifurcation Theory and Applications, World Scientific, Singapore, 2005, Stability and Bifurcation of Nonlinear Evolutions Equations, Science Press, Beijing, China, 2007).

  • Authors: Moritz, Weber;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    Quantum permutations arise in many aspects of modern “quantum mathematics”. However, the aim of this article is to detach these objects from their context and to give a friendly introduction purely within operator theory. We define quantum permutation matrices as matrices whose entries are operators on Hilbert spaces; they obey certain assumptions generalizing classical permutation matrices. We give a number of examples and we list many open problems. We then put them back in their original context and give an overview of their use in several branches of mathematics, such as quantum groups, quantum information theory, graph theory and free probability theory.

  • Authors: K. O., Aremu; C., Izuchukwu; G. N., Ogwo;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    In this paper, we introduce a proximal point-type of viscosity iterative method with double implicit midpoint rule comprising of a nonexpansive mapping and the resolvents of a monotone operator and a bifunction. Furthermore, we establish that the sequence generated by our proposed algorithm converges strongly to an element in the intersection of the solution sets of monotone inclusion problem, equilibrium problem and fixed point problem for a nonexpansive mapping in complete CAT(0) spaces. In addition, we give a numerical example of our method each in a finite dimensional Euclidean space and a non-Hilbert space setting to show the applicability of our method . Our results complement many recent results in the literature.

  • Authors: Sudesh, Kumari; Krzysztof, Gdawiec; Ashish, Nandal;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    In this paper, we present an application of the viscosity approximation type iterative method introduced by Nandal et al. (Iteration Process for Fixed Point Problems and Zeros of Maximal Monotone Operators, Symmetry, 2019) to visualize and analyse the Julia and Mandelbrot sets for a complex polynomial of the type T(z)=zn+pz+r , where p,r∈C, and n≥2. This iterative method has many applications in solving various fixed point problems. We derive an escape criterion to visualize Julia and Mandelbrot sets via the proposed viscosity approximation type method.