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  • Authors: Karin, Erdmann; Stacey, Law;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2021)

    Let A be a finite-dimensional algebra over an algebraically closed field. We use a functorial approach involving torsion pairs to construct embeddings of endomorphism algebras of basic projective A–modules P into those of the torsion submodules of P. As an application, we show that blocks of both the classical and quantum Schur algebras S(2,r) and Sq(2,r) in characteristic p > 0 are Morita equivalent as quasi-hereditary algebras to their Ringel duals if they contain 2pk simple modules for some k.

  • Authors: Matteo, Levi; Federico, Santagati; Anita, Tabacco;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2021)

    We consider trees with root at infinity endowed with flow measures, which are nondoubling measures of at least exponential growth and which do not satisfy the isoperimetric inequality. In this setting, we develop a Calderón–Zygmund theory and we define BMO and Hardy spaces, proving a number of desired results extending the corresponding theory as known in more classical settings.

  • Authors: Ragnar-Olaf, Buchweitz; Eleonore, Faber; Colin, Ingalls;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2021)

    We are interested in the McKay quiver Γ(G) and skew group rings A ∗G, where G is a finite subgroup of GL(V ), where V is a finite dimensional vector space over a field K, and A is a K −G-algebra. These skew group rings appear in Auslander’s version of the McKay correspondence. In the first part of this paper we consider complex reflection groups G⊆GL(V) and find a combinatorial method, making use of Young diagrams, to construct the McKay quivers for the groups G(r,p,n). We first look at the case G(1,1,n), which is isomorphic to the symmetric group Sn, followed by G(r,1,n) for r > 1.

  • Authors: Taiki, Shibata; Kenichi, Shimizu;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2021)

    We organize the modified trace theory with the use of the Nakayama functor of finite abelian categories. For a linear right exact functor Σ on a finite abelian category M, we introduce the notion of a Σ-twisted trace on the class Proj(M) of projective objects of M. In our framework, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of Σ-twisted traces on Proj(M) and the set of natural transformations from Σ to the Nakayama functor of M. Non-degeneracy and compatibility with the module structure (when M is a module category over a finite tensor category) of a Σ-twisted trace can be written down in terms of the corresponding natural transformation.

  • Authors: Oliver, Lorscheid; Thorsten, Weist;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2021)

    Extending the main result of Lorscheid and Weist (2015), in the first part of this paper we show that every quiver Grassmannian of an indecomposable representation of a quiver of type D~n has a decomposition into affine spaces. In the case of real root representations of small defect, the non-empty cells are in one-to-one correspondence to certain, so called non-contradictory, subsets of the vertex set of a fixed tree-shaped coefficient quiver. In the second part, we use this characterization to determine the generating functions of the Euler characteristics of the quiver Grassmannians (resp. F-polynomials).

  • Authors: Jiawang, Nie; Xindong, Tang;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2021)

    This paper studies convex generalized Nash equilibrium problems that are given by polynomials. We use rational and parametric expressions for Lagrange multipliers to formulate efficient polynomial optimization for computing generalized Nash equilibria (GNEs). The Moment-SOS hierarchy of semidefinite relaxations are used to solve the polynomial optimization. Under some general assumptions, we prove the method can find a GNE if there exists one, or detect nonexistence of GNEs. Numerical experiments are presented to show the efficiency of the method.