Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : StringENT test suite ENT battery revisited for efficient P value computation
Tác giả : Elena Almaraz, Luengo
Bittor Alaña, Olivares
Luis Javier García, Villalba
Năm xuất bản : 2023
Nhà xuất bản : Springer
Tóm tắt : Random numbers play a key role in a wide variety of applications, ranging from mathematical simulation to cryptography. Generating random or pseudo-random numbers is not an easy task, especially when hardware, time and energy constraints are considered. In order to assess whether generators behave in a random fashion, there are several statistical test batteries. ENT is one of the simplest and most popular, at least in part due to its efficacy and speed. Nonetheless, only one of the tests of this suite provides a p value, which is the most useful and standard way to determine whether the randomness hypothesis holds, for a certain significance level. As a consequence of this, rather arbitrary and at times misleading bounds are set in order to decide which intervals are acceptable for its results.
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