Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Public Biological Databases and the Sui Generis Database Right
Tác giả : Bernier, Alexander
Busse, Christian
Bubela, Tania
Năm xuất bản : 2023
Nhà xuất bản : Springer
Tóm tắt : The sui generis database right is an intellectual property right created in the European Union to stimulate investment in the curation of databases. Since its inception, communities engaged in research and development efforts have questioned its potential to incentivise database production, and posit that it stifles productive downstream uses of existing datasets. European courts have restricted the right’s ambit through a restrictive interpretation of the circumstances in which it applies, which we argue, enables downstream use of biological databases. Nonetheless, residual ambiguities about potential infringement of the right exist. The prospect of unintentional infringement can frustrate downstream innovation. These ambiguities are compounded because the criteria that determine whether or not the right applies are reliant on information that is not available to the prospective downstream users of public datasets.
Mô tả: Cc-BY
Bộ sưu tậpOER - Pháp luật - Thể chế xã hội




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  • Public Biological Databases and the Sui Generis Database Right-2023.pdf
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