Thông tin tài liệu

Nhan đề : Board of directors and environmental practices: the effect of board experience, culture, and tenure
Tác giả : Gallego-Álvarez, Isabel
Rodriguez-Dominguez, Luis
Năm xuất bản : 2023
Nhà xuất bản : Springer
Tóm tắt : This study analyses whether board diversity in terms of gender and culture, as well as members’ experience and tenure, has a positive influence on the undertaking of environmental practices. The analysis was performed on a broad sample of international companies from 29 countries, on the basis of an index made up of 55 environmental activities. We designed a Tobit model in which the index of environmental practices is a function of several features of the board. The findings confirm that more diverse boards, with more experienced and long-tenured members, are more prone to the environmental commitment by promoting a broader range of environmental initiatives. The article provides new insights in terms of the influence of board diversity in culture, experience, and tenure. We extend previous literature by analysing these factors, whose effects have been less studied, rather than other drivers (such as board size and independence).
Mô tả: CC-BY
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