Browsing by Author Duc D.Vuc

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  • Authors: Duc Minh, Vu; Mike, Hewitt; Duc D.Vuc;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2022)

    In this paper, we present exact methods for solving the Time Dependent Minimum Tour Duration Problem (TD-MTDP) and the Time Dependent Delivery Man Problem (TD-DMP). Both methods are based on a Dynamic Discretization Discovery (DDD) approach for solving the Time Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows (TD-TSPTW). Unlike the TD-TSPTW, these problems involve objective functions that depend in part on the time at which the vehicle departs the depot. As such, optimizing these problems adds a scheduling dimension to the problem. We present multiple enhancements to the DDD method, including enabling it to dynamically determine which waiting opportunities at the depot to model....