Browsing by Author Monica, Musso

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  • Authors: Lipeng, Duan; Monica, Musso; Suting, Wei;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2023)

    We consider the prescribed scalar curvature problem on SNΔSNv−N(N−2)2v+K~(y)vN+2N−2=0 on SN,v>0in SN, under the assumptions that the scalar curvature K~ is rotationally symmetric, and has a positive local maximum point between the poles. We prove the existence of infinitely many non-radial positive solutions, whose energy can be made arbitrarily large. These solutions are invariant under some non-trivial sub-group of O(3) obtained doubling the equatorial. We use the finite dimensional Lyapunov–Schmidt reduction method.