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Danh sách tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp theo "Nhan đề " với thứ tự "Tăng dần "): Hiển thị 1-20 trong tổng số 126 tài liệu
A New York Times analysis, based on research from Harvard Law School, Columbia Law School and other sources, counts more than 90 environmental rules and regulations rolled back under Mr. Trump. |
If the terminology, constituent techniques, and hopes and fears around artificial intelligence are not new, what exactly is? At least two differences characterize the present climate. |
This title provides managers, executives and other professionals with an innovative method for critical decision-making. The book explains the reasons for decision failures using the Law of Unintended Consequences. This account draws on the work of sociologist Robert K. Merton, psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, and economist Herbert Simon to identify two primary causes: cognitive biases and bounded rationality. It introduces an innovative method for “test driving” decisions that addresses both causes by combining scenario planning and “what-if” simulations. This method enables professionals to learn safely from virtual mistakes rather than real ones. It also provides fo... |
Hồ sơ kỹ thuật chung ASEAN (ACTD) là một hướng dẫn về một mẫu thống
nhất trong chuẩn bị các hồ sơ kỹ thuật chung (CTD) có bố cục tốt để nộp cho các
cơ quan quản lý của các nước ASEAN để đăng ký dược phẩm dùng cho người.
Hướng dẫn này mô tả một mẫu CTD giúp làm giảm đáng kể thời gian và nguồn lực
caàn thiết cho việc chuẩn bị những hồ sơ đăng ký thuốc, và trong tương lai sẽ giúp
giảm gánh nặng trong việc chuẩn bị hồ sơ điện tử. Việc xét duyệt và liên lạc của
các cơ quan quản lý với các cơ sở đăng ký sẽ được hỗ trợ bằng một bộ tài liệu
chuẩn với các nội dung thống nhất.
Hướng dẫn này chỉ minh họa một mẫu phù hợp các dữ liệu sẽ nộp. Tuy
nhiên, cơ sở đăng ký có thể điều chỉnh nếu ... |
The book series, Child Maltreatment: Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy. will consist of a state of the art handbook (to be revised every five years) and two to three volumes per year. The first volume in this series is a legacy to C. Henry Kempe. This is a timely publication because 2012 marks 50 years after the appearance of the foundational article by C. Henry Kempe and his colleagues, “The Battered-Child Syndrome.” This volume capitalizes on this 50 year anniversary to stand back and assess the field from the perspective that Dr. Kempe’s early contributions and ideas are still being played out in practice and policy today. The volume will be released at the next ISPCAN mee... |
The book is a comprehensive compendium on child rights in India from a child development perspective. It discusses the challenges that Indian children face for survival, development and education, especially if they are marginalized through disability, lack of care, and poverty. The major issues expounded by the author in relation to rights are infant and child survival, early child development, street and working children, children in conflict with law, children with disabilities, child trafficking and child sexual abuse. The author goes further to delve into the causes, among which are high population, poverty, migration, illiteracy, poor legislation and deep-rooted social norms and... |
This volume addresses the conditions allowing the transformation of specific childrens rights into capabilities in settings as different as children’s parliaments, organized leisure activities, contexts of vulnerability, children in care. It addresses theoretical questions linked to children’s agency and reflexivity, education, the life cycle perspective, child participation, evolving capabilities and citizenship. The volume highlights important issues that have to be taken into account for the implementation of human rights and the development of peoples’ capabilities. The focus on children’s capabilities along a rights-based approach is an inspiring perspective that researchers and ... |
countries in this region have been particularly limited (for an exception to this, see Petmesidou & Papatheodorou, 2006). The underlying assumption in this volume is that despite the diversity of welfare states bordering the Mediterranean Sea, some interesting commonalities are shared by these nations. Indeed, in his contribution to this volume Gal has described these nations as belonging to an extended family of welfare states that share some common characteristics and outcomes, one of which is the role of the family. By bringing together case analyses of the welfare states in the Mediterranean which focus on children, gender, and families, we maintain that it is possible to shed lig... |
1 Corporate Law; 2 Foreign Investment Law; 3 Securities Law; Appendix I: The Corporation Law of the People’s Republic of
China (2013 Amendment) 135
Appendix II: The Law of the People’s Republic of China on
Sino-foreign Equity Joint Ventures (2016 Amendment) 189
Appendix III: The Securities Law of the People’s Republic of
China (2014 Amendment) |
This open access book covers debates about European citizenship Presents a wide range of views by legal scholars, political scientists, and political practitioners. Organizes debates as conversations whereby authors respond to each other |
The book deals with the complex relationship between intergenerational justice and demographic change and is characterized by its interdisciplinary approach. The authors come from a multitude of professional backgrounds and from several countries. This illustrates the implications of the demographic shift from many different perspectives. The book deals not only with the aspects of economic policy but also with environmental, societal and philosophical issues. The comprehensive volume is composed of five sections that pinpoint demographic trends, examine the impact of demographic changes on key indicators, investigate the relationship between key indicators and intergenerational justi... |
Its chapters provide a historical perspective and general understanding of the legal settings of Turkish Environmental Law; offer an overall understanding of the evolving and prevailing paradigms of legislation and administrative practices in environmental policy in Turkey; explain how EIA has become the main environmental management tool and instrument of environmental compliance in Turkey; discuss the project process, challenges and results of the EU-funded project ‘Turkey’s Map of Environmental Violations’ and food security in Turkey; and present a picture of environmental justice movements from bottom-up over the establishment and operation of small-scale hydroelectricity power pl... |
This brief represents a comprehensive review of methods for estimating characteristics of the foreign-born population in the United States, specifically oriented toward characteristics by legal status. A variety of methods have been proffered over the past many decades, in a large variety of venues; this work brings them together, attempts to impart some order on the definition of “legal status,” and describes strengths and deficiencies both in methods and in data. The authors have a combined 50 years of experience in both demographic and statistical methodology. |
This volume is the result of the many years the authors have spent conducting ethnographic field research with sex workers, conversing with other researchers, and, perhaps most importantly, developing a deep sense of empathy for the sex worker participants in the research as well as the colleagues who carry out this work with the goal of advancing social justice. They have a combined total of twenty-five years’ experience carrying out research with sex workers, and this extensive period of time has given them ample opportunity to reflect upon the topic of ethics. |
This extensively updated textbook comprehensively reviews the latest developments in evidence-based critical care. Topics are covered in a case study format with an emphasis on the principles of diagnosis and therapy. Each topic is covered using a variety of case studies and features a case vignette, clinical question and an additional discussion section to clarify areas of particular importance. Topics including cytokine release syndrome, sympathomimetic overdose and palliative care in the intensive care unit have been extensively revised, while new sections focusing on neuromuscular disease and subarachnoid hemorrhages have been added. |
This practice-oriented text presents evidence-based assessment methods and interventions that have been extensively field tested in child welfare settings. The contributors offer empirical and field insights, comprehensive treatment models, and curricula in key areas such as child maltreatment, substance abuse, parent training, social skills, and youth employment interventions. For the professional reader, the book offers real-world guidance on social work practice, from hiring opportunities within a system to promoting lasting change as families and their issues grow increasingly complex. These chapters also take significant steps toward future improvements in child protection system... |
On the face of it, enormous political, social and economic changes were taking place in Vietnam. However, while the Vietnamese media fre quently refers to the country’s ratification of the CRC as an unprecedented success for the welfare of its children (Khanh, 1996), my research findings, like those of Bond (1994), indicate that the CRC was ratified and then actively used among aid agencies without due consideration to the specific nature of local value systems. |
Resilience is a topic that is currently receiving increased attention. In general, resilience refers to the capacity of those who, even under the most stressful circumstances, are able to cope, to rebound, and to go on and thrive. Resilient families are able to regain their balance following crises that arise as a function of either nature or nurture, and to continue to encourage and support their members as they deal with the necessary requirements for accommodation, adaptation and, ultimately, healthy survival. Handbook of Family Resilience provides a broad body of knowledge regarding the traits and patterns found to characterize resilient individuals and well-functioning families, ... |