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  • Authors: Hamby, Sherry; Grych, John;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2013)

    There is an increasing appreciation of the interconnections among all forms of violence. These interconnections have critical implications for conducting research that can produce valid conclusions about the causes and consequences of abuse, maltreatment, and trauma. The accumulated data on co-occurrence also provide strong evidence that prevention and intervention should be organized around the full context of individuals’ experiences, not narrowly defined subtypes of violence. Managing the flood of new research and practice innovations is a challenge, however. New means of communication and integration are needed to meet this challenge, and the Web of Violence is intended to contribute to this process by serving as a concise overview of the conceptual and empirical work that form ...

  • Authors: Krugman, Richard D.; Korbin, Jill E.;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2013)

    The book series, Child Maltreatment: Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy. will consist of a state of the art handbook (to be revised every five years) and two to three volumes per year. The first volume in this series is a legacy to C. Henry Kempe. This is a timely publication because 2012 marks 50 years after the appearance of the foundational article by C. Henry Kempe and his colleagues, “The Battered-Child Syndrome.” This volume capitalizes on this 50 year anniversary to stand back and assess the field from the perspective that Dr. Kempe’s early contributions and ideas are still being played out in practice and policy today. The volume will be released at the next ISPCAN meeting, also in 2012.

  • Authors: Dewey, Susan; Zheng, Tiantian;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2013)

    This volume is the result of the many years the authors have spent conducting ethnographic field research with sex workers, conversing with other researchers, and, perhaps most importantly, developing a deep sense of empathy for the sex worker participants in the research as well as the colleagues who carry out this work with the goal of advancing social justice. They have a combined total of twenty-five years’ experience carrying out research with sex workers, and this extensive period of time has given them ample opportunity to reflect upon the topic of ethics.

  • Authors: Hamby, Sherry; Grych, John;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2013)

    There is an increasing appreciation of the interconnections among all forms of violence. These interconnections have critical implications for conducting research that can produce valid conclusions about the causes and consequences of abuse, maltreatment, and trauma. The accumulated data on co-occurrence also provide strong evidence that prevention and intervention should be organized around the full context of individuals’ experiences, not narrowly defined subtypes of violence. Managing the flood of new research and practice innovations is a challenge, however. New means of communication and integration are needed to meet this challenge, and the Web of Violence is intended to contribute to this process by serving as a concise overview of the conceptual and empirical work that form ...

  • Authors: Becvar, Dorothy S.;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2013)

    Resilience is a topic that is currently receiving increased attention. In general, resilience refers to the capacity of those who, even under the most stressful circumstances, are able to cope, to rebound, and to go on and thrive. Resilient families are able to regain their balance following crises that arise as a function of either nature or nurture, and to continue to encourage and support their members as they deal with the necessary requirements for accommodation, adaptation and, ultimately, healthy survival. Handbook of Family Resilience provides a broad body of knowledge regarding the traits and patterns found to characterize resilient individuals and well-functioning families, including those with diverse structures, various ethnic backgrounds and a variety of non-traditional...

  • Authors: -;  Advisor: -;  Co-Author: - (2013)

    Thông tư này hướng dẫn hoạt động chuyên môn, kỹ thuật truyền máu, bao gồm: tuyển chọn người hiến máu, lấy máu, xét nghiệm, điều chế, bảo quản, vận chuyển, quản lý, sử dụng máu và chế phẩm máu trong điều trị; giám sát nguy cơ trong truyền máu; Hội đồng truyền máu tại cơ sở khám bệnh, chữa bệnh; lưu giữ hồ sơ và chế độ báo cáo.