Tác giả
- Pal, Namrata (1)
- Sharma, Poonam (1)
- Singh, Tanim Arpit (1)
Chủ đề
- SCG (1)
- utilizing SCG-derived (1)
Năm xuất bản
- 2023 (1)
Toàn văn
- true (1)
OER - Công nghệ sinh học (1)
Danh sách tài liệu trong bộ sưu tập (Sắp xếp theo "Nhan đề " với thứ tự "Tăng dần "): Hiển thị 1-1 trong tổng số 1 tài liệu
Spent coffee ground (SCG) is a primary by-product obtained during soluble coffee processing and could be used for high-value products due to its protein content. The SCG is a rich source of cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, lipids and proteins. The bioactive peptide obtained after protein hydrolysis has great potential as an antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-mutagenic agent and a better understanding is a prerequisite for proper utilization of the natural and renewable source of protein to attain a sustainable approach. Moreover, by utilizing SCG-derived peptides we can reduce the contamination of these residues at an agronomical scale. In this review, we discussed the spent coffee... |